Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Score It: La Bic Vic, Mr. Broken Bird

I'm a big fan of DesignSponge's "Living In:" series.  It's such a clever way to discuss product without solely shilling for stores.  While DesignSponge recreates the mise-en-scen of our favorite films, I thought it might be just as interesting to build a look around a song--albeit a more difficult task, as music lack the visual element of film, songs, like movies, influence our cultural perspective.  For my first in the "Score it" series, I use a song by La Big Vic of Brooklyn, introduced to me by Orange Milk Records.  Hope you enjoy.

La Big Vic - Mr. Broken Bird by orangemilk

1.Christopher Kane Chief Biker Jacket 2.David Foster Wallace, Broom of the System 3.Karen Walker Eyewear  4.Solange Azagury-Partridge Rings 5.Balenciaga Metallic Leather Skinny Pants 6.Marjan Pejoski Monkey Brooch 7.Rachel Comey Pegasus 8.Ego and Greed Detroit 9.Solange Azagury-Partridge 10.Pet Rat 11.Let's just take another look at that Jacket.